Year 6 – Weardale Residential

Weardale is creeping ever closer and I know from discussions with the children that they are all extremely excited about it. I have had a few conversations with both children and parents asking when more information will be sent out – especially a recommended kit list. After the Easter holidays, all children who are attending will be given an information pack which will contain a letter, some forms that need to be filled in and a kit list. However, I have also attached the kit list below as I know some of you are keen to start getting any additional items. It does say on the kit list that wellies are needed, but these are not vital and the centre usually has enough for us.

Can I also take this opportunity to remind you to please continue to make payments towards the residential via Parent Pay. These can be done in small increments. Full payment needs to be completed before we go and I know from past experience that this date can come round very quick!

Weardale Kit List

Thank you

Mr Kershaw


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