Year 6 Weardale Residential
What a fantastic three days! Our Year 6 residential to Weardale was full of fun, adventure and excitement.
Over the three days every group had a go at: cave exploring, gorge walking, canoeing and rock climbing. Each activity gave the children the chance to experience something new, which put their teamwork, resilience and perseverance to the test! They all did fantastically well to overcome any fear and challenge themselves by stepping outside of their comfort zones.
During the evenings, the children enjoyed a range of activities, including a nightline and a scavengar hunt. On the final evening, we had a campfire together. The children put their Forest School fire building skills into practice and toasted marshmallows on their fires.
Though time went so quickly, we had an excellent time. The children represented Cookridge brilliantly and made the most of every experience.